Coping Skills Books

  • How to Find the Sun Again A Coping Skill Handbook
    A handbook on how to handle our emotions in a positive way. Inspired by Emery Grace, a little girl with a huge heart.
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  • The Adventures of the Quarantine Gang
    Cendy introduces Goals Town, a place where people build their goal houses. She describes the town's features and the challenges they face from the Quarantine Gang. The townsp…
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  • My Coping Skills
    The story discusses coping skills for managing stress and provides examples of activities to calm down.
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  • Malik's Autistic Adventures
    Malik, a child with Autism, explains what Autism is and how it affects him. He shares his unique experiences, challenges, and coping strategies.
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  • Muffins Without Mom
    This book is a guide for children who have lost a parent, filled with activities to help them cope. It also tells the story of Maddie, a girl who loses her mother to Pancreat…
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  • It's Easier Than You Think
    A self-help book for people with anxiety, providing 15 coping skills. Includes statistics on anxiety and depression.
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    A self-help book for children, providing various activities and strategies to regulate emotions and improve well-being.
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    A brief overview of anxiety, its causes, symptoms, and coping strategies for children.
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