Covered Wagons Books

  • ABC's of The Oregon Trail
    An alphabetical guide to the Oregon Trail, covering its history, challenges, and impact on the United States.
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  • Little House on the Prairie
    A report on Laura Ingalls Wilder's life in the prairies of Kansas in the 1880s, including her family, character traits, and extra information.
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  • Laura's Journal
    This is a fictional account of one teenage girl's journey west on the Oregon Trail.
  • All about westward expansion
    A collection of short stories and informational texts about explorers, reasons for going west, ways to travel west, dangers of the journey, life in the west, and outlaws.
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  • The Memory Machine
    I created this book for my sister's graduation, it was illustrated by her family and closest friends.
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  • The Transcontinental Railroad
    A brief overview of the transcontinental railroad and its impact on travel, including conflicts with natives and the advantages over covered wagons.
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  • The Underground Railroad
    The story provides an overview of the Underground Railroad, its dangers, and key figures like Harriet Tubman and Levi Coffin.
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  • Heading West
    A detailed account of the Oregon Trail, including the route, transportation, supplies, dangers, and landmarks.
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