Critical Analysis Books

  • Multicultural Education
    A discussion on multicultural education and its importance in promoting equity, language acquisition, and critical analysis in schools.
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  • Media Literacy and Disinformation
    This book introduces the concept of media literacy and disinformation, emphasizing the importance of critical analysis and research.
  • -------------------- For My Sister --------------------
    A collection of poems by Daniel Andrade, dedicated to his late sister Danielle. The poems explore themes of grief, loss, healing, and hope, using various poetic devices.
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  • NHD 2021
    A critical analysis of Disney's portrayal of female characters and prosocial behavior, suggesting the need for change.
    Lessons that include hibernation, counting and addition, but most importantly the value of family.
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  • 21st Century Skills
    Definitions and examples of critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity.
  • Passport to Teach Worldly English Learners
    A guide for teachers of English Language Learners, covering topics such as understanding language theory, engaging young readers, creating a welcoming classroom, breaking bar…
  • The Goodest Dog Ever
    The Goodest Dog Ever is a heartwarming story of the Garcia family’s beloved bichon frise, Kobe, who brought joy, love, and loyalty to their lives for 13 unforgettable years. …
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