Cruise Books

  • Princess Skye And Her Adventures
    Princess Skye and Princess Sanai go on an adventure, visiting Hawaii, going trick-or-treating, playing Roblox, and more.
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    Max goes on his first cruise and encounters a dangerous octopus monster. With the help of fireworks, they defeat the monster and return home safely.
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  • Family Cruise
    Brandon and Emma go on a Disney cruise, have fun, and plan to make it an annual trip.
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  • A wonderful World Cruise
    A description of cruise ships and the activities passengers can enjoy on board.
  • The Adventures of Nursing
    Ever wondered what it would be like in a day and life of a Nurse. Take a look inside and explore...The Adventures of Nursing
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  • Terry the tug boat
    Terry, a tug boat, is belittled by other boats but proves his worth during a storm by saving them. He gains recognition and finds his place in the ocean.
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  • How far can you go?
    A child's exciting cruise trip, exploring the ocean, learning about animals and cultures, and reflecting on the value of adventure and learning.
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  • My Time On The Cruise
    A family road trip to a cruise turns into an exciting adventure filled with fun activities, delicious food, and cherished moments with cousins, culminating in a heartfelt ref…
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