Cuban Influence Books

  • Miami
    A description of Miami, Florida, including its Cuban influence, famous people, landmarks, and accommodation options.
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    The story explores the origins and cultural significance of Habaneras, a musical genre popular in Spain. It discusses its Cuban roots, influence on Spanish sailors, and its c…
  • Effects of the Cold War on Society
    A brief overview of the Cold War, its major events, leaders, strategies, successes, failures, consequences, and impact on American society.
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  • The Cuban Revolution
    The story provides an overview of the Cuban Revolution, including its political, economic, social causes, and its impact on the United States.
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  • Lucille Ball: Achieving her Dream
    The story of Lucille Ball's journey to becoming a comedian and the impact she had on society and future comedians.
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  • Cold War Digital Presentation
    The story provides a chronological account of key events during the Cold War, detailing how each event influenced tensions between the USA and USSR. It covers the formation o…
  • Nigeria: Art and music
    An overview of African art, culture, music, and history, highlighting the significance of colors, wooden masks, rap, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, and traditional instruments.
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  • Amelia's Tour of the Dominican Republic
    Amelia, a cow with a desire to travel, embarks on an adventure to the Dominican Republic. She explores various natural and human-made landmarks, learns about the country's cu…
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