Culprit Books

  • Detective Alton & The case of the splat paint
    Alton, a detective, investigates a mystery of ink being spread everywhere. With his assistant Jack, they find the culprit, Ella pox-pox.
  • Felicia Fox and the Case of the Missing Carrot Cake
    Felicia Fox, a detective, solves the mystery of a missing carrot cake. She interviews suspects and discovers the culprit.
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  • A Mystery Solved: The Case of Lost Jewels Written and Illustrated by: Leena Aburahmeh
    Alexandre and Eléa, two detective siblings, team up to solve the case of the stolen royal jewels. With their investigation skills and determination, they uncover clues, inter…
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    Mrs. Humble Bunny's peaceful life is disrupted when Foxy is murdered and her picnic basket is stolen. The community comes together to solve the mystery, revealing Young Eagle…
  • Crawley and the Case of the Missing Cupcakes
    Crawley's cupcakes go missing, leading him to a creepy castle where he discovers the thief and befriends the queen.
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  • The Case of the Missing Teddy Bear
    Johnny and his detective brother, Charlie, solve the mystery of missing items in their house, leading them to their dog Sparky as the culprit.
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  • Who Really Stole the Candy?
    Edgar and Allan try to solve the mystery of the missing candy. They suspect Jimmy, confront him, and call his mom. The store owner is revealed as the culprit.
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  • Mullion Cove
    A ship crashes into a building, and detectives investigate the incident. They discover a sabotage plot and apprehend the culprit.
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