Curiosities Books

  • My Adventure
    Best for growing readers. The plot is nicely segregated into different sections based on the characters next move. Creates curiosity in readers mind and very entertaining.
    Eye Icon 771
    Star Icon 71
  • Three Perfect Princesses
    Three princesses with different personalities embark on a quest to save their sick father and learn the importance of kindness and being true to oneself.
    Eye Icon 29060
    Star Icon 1477
  • HERO!
    A young child ponders about the different professions they could have when they grow up, expressing excitement and curiosity.
    Eye Icon 97
    Star Icon 4
  • Metztli and the Moon
    Metztli, named after the Aztec Goddess of the night and the Moon, dreams of stars and grows with imagination and curiosity.
    Eye Icon 698
    Star Icon 24
  • The birth of the Lord Jesus Christ
    The story of the birth of Jesus, his early life, and some curiosities about him. Includes passages from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.
    Eye Icon 44
    Star Icon 6
  • ariana grande
    A biography of Ariana Grande, an American actress, singer, and songwriter. It covers her career, albums, lifestyle, awards, curiosities, popular songs, the Manchester attack,…
    Eye Icon 99
    Star Icon 10
  • SHOOT!
    In this book you will find everything about football, from the leagues from Europe to curiosities about football. Enjoy!
    Eye Icon 98
    Star Icon 11
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