Cyclops Books

  • Oddyseus and the Cyclops
    Odysseus, a brave warrior from Greek Mythology, tricks the Cyclops and escapes with his men.
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  • Odysseus and the Cyclops
    Odysseus and his men encounter a Cyclops on an island. Odysseus cleverly escapes, but angers Poseidon.
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  • cyclops (a cyclops handbook)
    The story provides information about Cyclops, their origin, abilities, and interactions with humans. It also includes unrelated details and an apology for the delay in writin…
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  • The Cyclops
    Odysseus and his crew encounter a dangerous Cyclops in a cave, but manage to escape and sail away safely.
  • The Story of the Cyclops
    A cyclops prepares a meal in his house, but encounters some unusual ingredients.
  • The Story Of a Courageous Knight
    Simon participates in a tournament to rescue a princess. He defeats a cyclops and a dragon, saves the princess, and they live happily ever after.
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  • the story of the one eyed cyclops
    The story of Odysseus and his encounter with a cyclops on an island. Odysseus and his men outsmart the cyclops and escape.
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  • Rocket the Slime
    Rocket, a happy slime, goes on an adventure with his friend Rodger and a legendary slime knight to defeat a cyclops.
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