Dacia Books

    gundogan15emel@gmail.com, ramazan1994.19@gmail.com, sudenesi@gmail.com, dmlkl1585@gmail.com, erolneval@gmail.com, sudenesi@gmail.com, radu.elenalaura@yahoo.com, gundogan_emel…
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  • The beginning of the Romanian language
    This book provides a historical overview of the Romanization of Dacia and the development of the Romanian language.
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  • i-earn 2017 Early People Symbols
    Students from a school in Moldova study history and make presentations about the Dacians, an ancient civilization in Romania and Moldova.
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  • Here Is a ... Hia ... ᎯᎠ ...
    A list of various Native American crafts and objects, described in both English and Cherokee.
  • History of Romania
    A brief history of Romania, from prehistoric times to the 2000s, including the Neolithic period, Dacian Kingdom, Roman Empire, independence, and the 1989 Revolution.
  • The 10 Roman Emperors who shaped history

    Discover the exciting lives of ten of Rome's most famous emperors! From brave warriors to wise leaders, this book brings their adventures to life, showing how they shape…
    Hello, I'm Flying Balloon City. I love traveling and having fun, learning about the places I've been to. This time my trip started from Hatay Antakya. Aaaaa! This river flows…
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  • Romania-UNESCO World Heritage Sites
    A description of the Dacian Fortresses of the Orastie Mountains, Sarmizegetusa Regia, Historic Centre of Sighisoara, and Villages with Fortified Churches in Transylvania.
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