Dancer Books

  • I Can Count to 10
    Pinky and Jones count various objects and enjoy a snack at the end.
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    Tori overcomes her fear of dancing on her first day of dance school with the help of her Nanny, and eventually becomes a professional dancer and dance teacher.
  • The Ballet Dancer
    Bella, a ballerina, loves to dance and gets an opportunity to be on a dancing show. She wins the show and her mom is proud of her.
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  • Nourishing Foods for Dancers
    Mea learns about nutrition and healthy eating by observing her friends and reading the dietary guidelines. She makes better food choices for her health.
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  • The Dancer
    Julienne, a talented dancer from a poor background, faces obstacles and bullies but ultimately wins a dance competition and earns a scholarship to Sadler Wells dance school.
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  • Hanna and Her Mom
    Hanna, a dancer from Indiana, moves to Michigan and then California. She relies on her mom's support and advice throughout her journey.
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  • ABC's of Dancers
    An alphabetical guide to various dance styles and terms, from acrobats to wings.
  • Wave Dancer
    A young girl and young trainer work together to win the wave dancing tournament
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