Daydreaming Books

  • Frog on a Log
    A short poem about a cute bullfrog jumping from a log and running from bees.
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    Bored by his science and math classes, Brandon begins writing a story about a young martial arts master named Akio. Soon fantasy and reality become intertwined as the story t…
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  • The Milkmaid and her Pail
    Patty the Milkmaid plans her future with the money she'll earn from selling milk, but her daydreaming leads to a mishap. The moral: don't count your chickens before they hatc…
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  • 3 Homes, 2 Divorces & 1 Family
    Going through divorce is never easy, even if you have experienced it once before. Luckily for me, even though there are 3 homes and 2 divorces, my family loves ME very much.
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  • Book Worm
    Belle, a girl who loves books and daydreaming, becomes a successful author with the help of her reading teacher.
    Jacob is a child who lives in an imaginary world, constantly daydreaming and going on adventures. However, as he grows up, he realizes that he can no longer dream.
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  • The Boy of
    A nostalgic reflection on various toys, sports, and experiences from the author's childhood.
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  • The Fantastical Mind of Ashlyn Einstein
    Ashlyn, a daydreamer who talks to herself, feels embarrassed and ashamed when her classmates make fun of her. With her mom's support, she embraces her creativity and starts w…
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