Dead Zones Books

  • The Dead Zone Rescue
    Two fish, Sunshine and Yoshi, go on a pirate adventure to save a mermaid's home from pollution. They learn about water conservation and the importance of friendship.
  • Jellyfish
    This informative book provides interesting facts about jellyfish, including their size, diet, habitat, and unique characteristics.
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    This story is an informative piece about climate change, its effects on the environment, and how humans can help mitigate these effects. It personifies Climate Change as a ch…
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  • Climate Change
    A comprehensive exploration of the impact of climate change on the ocean, covering topics such as rising sea levels, tsunamis, hurricanes, and dead zones.
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  • Pedro's Coral Reef Adventures
    This book was written and illustrated by students who participated in Smith College Coral Reef Ed-Ventures 2017 in San Pedro, Belize. This story follows a parrotfish named Pe…
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  • The Worries of the Sea
    Francis, a boy from West Virginia, takes a vacation to the beach and learns about the various ways climate change is affecting the ocean. He returns home with a plan to encou…
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  • Climate Change Impacts
    A collection of short paragraphs discussing various effects of climate change on the oceans, including rising sea levels, ocean acidification, dead zones, and more.
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  • The Story of Nitrate
    Norbert, a nitrate molecule, explains how excessive fertilizer use leads to dead zones in the ocean and suggests solutions.
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