Defense Alliance Books

  • Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact was a defense alliance formed by 8 countries in response to NATO. It gave the USSR more control over other communist nations.
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  • World War 1
    A brief overview of the causes, US involvement, outcomes, and positive effects of World War I, with some spelling and grammar errors.
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  • And
    After an alien invasion, Zach Lightman joins a council and decides to find buried treasure. He faces challenges but ultimately succeeds.
  • The Cold War
    A brief overview of capitalism and communism, including their beliefs and historical events that led to the rise of communism.
  • The Monster
    A brief overview of World War 1, including the alliances, trench warfare, submarines, and propaganda.
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  • What caused World War I?
    An expository essay explaining the causes of World War I, including alliances, nationalism, imperialism, and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
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  • The Hanseatic League
    The story provides a brief history of the Hanseatic League, its purpose, formation, dominance, and decline.
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  • Insuland
    The story follows the rise of Ben, who invents the wheel and becomes king of Insuland. The nation grows through industrialization and alliances, facing tensions but remaining…
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