Department Store Books

  • Maggie Walker
    The story of Maggie Lena Walker, an African American woman who overcame obstacles to become a leader and advocate for her community.
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  • The Virginia Girl
    The life story of Doris Ann Waddell Beasley, from her difficult childhood to her marriage and family life in Dallas.
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  • Shopping Destination in London
    A description of famous shopping destinations in London, including Bond Street, Selfridges, Harrods, Westfield Stratford City, and Carnaby Street.
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  • Mr. Bean Goes Camping
    Mr. Bean Goes Camping is a story based on 'Mr. Bean: The Adventures Series, Season 1, Episode 19 titled 'Camping' and written by Tony Hasse. This material was designed to imp…
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  • Sioux Falls , A Great City
    Learn a little bit about Sioux Falls interesting history through its unique buildings. Written & illustrated by Jason Folkerts
  • The Civil Rights Legend
    The story of Martin Luther King Jr., a civil rights activist who fought for equality in the United States. From his upbringing to his influential speeches and actions, this b…
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    When a mad bomber threatens the city, the police are left with no choice. They have to contact Lollipop, Undercover Clown. He's unconventional but gets the job done. As it tu…
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  • Ziggy Saves the Treats
    K9 Officer Ziggy and his team track down a dangerous criminal who stole from pet stores. They apprehend the criminal and return the stolen items.
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