Dermatology Books

  • Dermatology
    An informational book about dermatologists, their roles, and how to become one. It also covers common conditions they treat and the positives and negatives of the profession.
  • My dream job
    A description of the job of a dermatologist, including required skills, education, and salary.
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  • Scenarios
    A collection of short stories about various skin conditions and their diagnoses.
  • Integumentary System
    Dr. Kelly, a dermatologist, treats patients with hair, nail, and skin problems. She educates them about the causes and remedies for their issues.
  • Dermatology
    A collection of short stories about various skin conditions and diseases, their symptoms, and treatments.
  • Terry the Berry Saves the Day
    This book is for my medical terminology class. It is about about berry named Terry that saves his friend by taking her to the doctor. (The empty spaces is for symbols that is…
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  • Progeria
    A boy named Kyle is diagnosed with Progeria, a premature aging disorder. The story explores the challenges he faces and the treatments available.
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  • Sulfur
    This book provides information about the element sulfur, including its atomic number, mass, valence electrons, isotopes, properties, history, and uses.
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