Despair Books

  • Blood and Sand
    Sgt. Marshall, a war veteran, returns home from Iraq to find his wife in bed with another man. Haunted by the horrors of war and his personal life, he spirals into despair.
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  • Princess Of The Sun
    A man finds hope in a universe filled with despair when he encounters a special light. He sings a song expressing his love and gratitude for the light, which is dedicated to …
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  • The Bouncing Belle
    A girl who loves to bounce loses her ability to do so, but eventually finds it again within herself.
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  • Saving Earth
    I hope you all enjoy my book,
    Its about our earth,have a look!
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  • The Fall From Glory
    A once wealthy family falls into poverty, living in an alley and facing despair. The protagonist longs for a better life.
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  • Facts about Flamepetal Despair & Not Even A Whipser
    Facts about my two books! Happy reading! :)
  • Living with Hitler
    The story is a detailed account of a Jewish person's experiences during the Holocaust, from living in ghettos to being transported to concentration camps. It explores themes …
    A reflection on Sorry Day and the ongoing challenges faced by Aboriginals, questioning whether a simple apology can bring about real change.
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