Developmentally Appropriate Books

  • Why Do I Need Place Value?
    James, a second-grader, is nervous about moving to the third grade due to his struggles with place value in math. His friends Shamar and Jenny help him understand place value…
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  • Considerations for Choosing Children's Books
    This text provides guidelines for selecting and using children's literature in an educational setting, emphasizing diversity, developmentally appropriate content, cross-curri…
  • Victoria's Fun Day (Developmentally appropriate milestones) De
    A 5-year-old girl named Victoria has an eventful day with her family, going to the playground, following rules, counting, observing, and learning.
  • What Does a Family Look Like?
    This Social Emotional story book written by an early childhood Special Education teacher shows readers the various different ways that families might look. Aligning with many…
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  • Poetry Anthology
    A poetry anthology featuring contributions from various authors, with poems about personal qualities and technology in the classroom.
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  • Picture Bags
    Children describe pictures from their bags using developmentally appropriate vocabulary in a group activity.
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  • Poetry Anthology
    This is a poetry anthology created by a class, featuring various types of poems. It includes 'The Important Thing About...' poems, list poems, and cinquain poems, each reflec…
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  • My Kindergarten Classroom Showcase
    A description of a classroom layout and learning centers, including a dramatic play center, language/literacy center, and science center.
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