Diabetes Books

  • Payton Learns About Diabetes!
    Payton is a young girl who is diagnosed with Diabetes. Her mother and doctor help to teach her about her condition. This is an educational book for children who are diagnosed…
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  • Though a Type One diabetic cannot stop the onset of his or her disease, the related stigma influences outsiders to believe that diabetes is the diabetic’s fault. The negative…
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    A personal account of living with diabetes, including diagnosis, treatment, and daily life. Includes information on insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors.
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  • Emily the Diabetes Fighter
    Emily encounters a life changing experience that she has to learn how to deal with and overcome.
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  • Diabetes Dog
    Chelsea, a girl with diabetes, gets a new dog named Zoey. Her mom suggests training Zoey to help with her diabetes. After a year of training, Zoey successfully alerts Chelsea…
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  • Insulin Powered!
    Max, a 7-year-old with diabetes, shares his daily life and how he manages his condition through diet, exercise, and insulin.
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  • By: Emma Wigington
    Molly's Diabetes story is to inform younger children on what diabetes is and how it can change one's life. Awareness must be spread regarding diabetes because it is such a co…
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  • What is Diabetes?
    This informative piece explains diabetes, its causes, symptoms, and management, including the importance of insulin and monitoring blood sugar levels.
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