Dictators Books

    This book was written by an 8th Grader and takes place in a middle school. It is about An 8th Grader’s dream of becoming a dictator, his short lived success, and his subsequ…
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  • A Dictator Named Nucleus
    Nucleus, the Dictator, explains his role in a eukaryotic government using analogies to cell organelles. He highlights his importance and control over the city.
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  • The Adventures of Skinny Big Head
    Will Chest, an ordinary kid, gains the power to grow his head after falling into toxic waste. He teams up with Super Kim to have amazing adventures and defeat evil dictators …
  • The Good And Bad Guys of World War II
    A story about Adolf Hitler and the Axis Powers, as well as the formation of the Allies to stop them.
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  • Dave the Dictator
    Dave, a man who creates police robots, tries to mass produce them with the help of his friend Larry. However, they face challenges in selling the robots and discuss economic …
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  • world war 2
    Biographies of five influential leaders: Hitler, Roosevelt, Stalin, Mussolini, and Churchill.
  • WWII Figures
    A brief overview of the key leaders during WWII, including Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, FDR, and Churchill.
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