Directions Books

  • Wind Direction! Anemometer
    A 3rd grader named Josiah conducts an experiment to make an anemometer and measure wind direction. He shares his process, results, and conclusion.
    by Ti D
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  • It is Not Your Fault !
    Woody, a young beaver, navigates the challenges of leaving home due to his father's anger. With the help of a frog, bees, and a woodpecker, he learns to manage his emotions a…
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  • Hope's Magic Sparkles!
    Hope's Magic Sparkles is our second book in our Hope the Optimist Bear collection. Our first book was published last spring called Hope the Optimist Bear. This is our secon…
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  • Megasaurus
    The tiny, multi-colored bean-shaped bears of Beandom are under attack by a monster. Even the King's wisest advisors seem unable find a solution. Who will save Beandom? Can an…
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  • Sophia's Stage Directions
    This book is to help primary school students about the stage directions.
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  • Intercultural competences
    A group of tourists ask for directions to Monreale Cathedral and a place to eat, encountering helpful locals along the way.
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  • Right kick, wrong direction
    Hope you like my first book. My next book in progress.
  • Shapes illsiuon and some trick illusions.
    A collection of puzzles and questions that challenge readers to count shapes, identify directions, and solve riddles.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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