Disclaimer Books

  • The Catcher In The Rye
    Holden, a boy who faces various disappointments, finds solace when his sister Phoebe asks him to come home.
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  • Diary of a Minecraft Human (An unofficial Minecraft series)
    Thus began the story of a minecraft human named Zuri, and with his best friends, they work together to complete school

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  • Elsa and Little Elsa Up Past the Clouds Book 5
    This book took a really long time to make, and I also ran out of storage in the process! DISCLAIMER: We both were in a silly goofy mood in the process of making this book, an…
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  • The Waves Will Never Disappear
    A boy and a woman become lovers. When their relationship tragically ends, their love for each other lives on. A lyrical story that tells in a sequence of illustrations how tr…
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  • The Automaton By: Suresh Kumar Rupesh
    This is my first book, I hope you like it

    Disclaimer: this book has some serious topics like suicide so reader’s discretion is advised
  • Spongebob Stole Billie's Song!
    Billie Eilish accuses Spongebob of plagiarizing her song and contemplates confronting him. She obtains a copyright license and resolves the issue with Spongebob.
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  • Bella
    A child visits their aunt's creepy house and encounters a mysterious presence. The story ends with a cliffhanger.
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  • The Story of the Beginning of the Universe
    A fictional story about the creation of the universe, emphasizing the importance of staying real.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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