Disease Prevention Books

  • Getting to Know Cancer
    This book explains what cancer is, how it spreads, and how it can be treated. It also provides tips to reduce the risk of cancer and support someone with cancer.
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  • The Truth About Our Masks
    Joelle, a curious 11-year-old girl, learns about COVID-19, vaccines, and how small actions can save lives.
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  • Einstein, The Tree of Knowledge
    A guide for kids about Zika Virus, Lyme Disease, and Rabies, including prevention tips and what to do if bitten.
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  • Driving through the Immune System
    Pepe takes readers on an adventure through the immune system, learning about bacteria, white blood cells, and ways to prevent disease.
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  • Sickle Cell Anemia
    This is a story about a boy named Charles who has sickle cell anemia. It explains the symptoms, effects on his body, and his treatment through a bone marrow transplant.
  • Australia
    The story explains the reasons for the settlement of Australia by British convicts in 1788, citing lack of space in English prisons, disease prevention, colonization, crime r…
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  • Where Hope Can Be Found -The story of Lauren Daigle and her encouraging journey.
    The biography of Lauren Daigle, a Christian music artist, who overcame challenges and achieved success through her talent and positive impact on others.
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  • Health and Wellness Story ECE214: Nutrition and Health of Children and Families By: Latrice Peters
    A guide to staying healthy at home, covering topics such as nutrition, hygiene, exercise, and sleep. Includes resources for families.
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