Displacement Books

  • Let Me Tell You Our Story
    The story follows the lives of three individuals from different cultures who face displacement and loss, but find strength in their shared experiences and hope for the future.
  • Counting By 7's
    Child of War is a story about a young girl named Amina who lives in a war-torn country. She faces the challenges of displacement, loss, and survival as she navigates through …
  • My family migration story
    A young child recounts their experience of Hurricane Katrina, the displacement from their home in New Orleans to Texas, and the challenges and opportunities they faced in the…
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  • The Israeli Boy
    This is a book for kids on the Israeli and Palestinian war this is fictional but based off of true events from the history of the war.
  • Chemical Reactions
    John learns about chemical reactions from his friend Ann, covering topics such as physical and chemical changes, endothermic and exothermic reactions, word equations, synthes…
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  • Apache Natives
    A historical fiction about the conflict between the US Army and Apache natives over gold and land, resulting in war and displacement.
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  • The Relocation of Jaya's Tribe
    Jaya and her tribe are forced to move from their disappearing island due to climate change. They find hope in a new land and plan to open a museum to preserve their culture.
    Cristobal shares his story of resilience and overcoming adversity. He discusses the causes of displacement and the challenges he faced.
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