Diverse Population Books

  • The State of Florida
    An informative book about the state of Florida, its attractions, and diverse population.
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  • The Philippines
    An informative book about the history, language, food, culture, economy, and government of the Philippines.
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  • Famous Landmarks of Kyiv
    Ukraine is an independent state located in Eastern Europe. It has a diverse landscape, including fertile steppes, plateaus, and mountainous regions. The country is rich in na…
  • The 13 Colonies: Middle Colonies
    A brief history of the Middle Colonies, their diverse population, farming practices, and diet.
  • ABC's of Interesting Landmarks
    This book explores various famous landmarks and sites around the world, providing brief descriptions of their history and significance.
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  • The History of Hawaii
    The story of Hawaii's history, from the arrival of Polynesians to becoming the 50th state of the United States.
    An informative book about Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, covering its facts, languages spoken, weather, famous dishes, clothing style, music, landmarks, and reasons for tourists to …
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  • The Ancıent Cıty: Mardın
    A description of the city of Mardin in southeastern Turkey, highlighting its ancient architecture, multicultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and vibrant cultural scene.
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