Divine Being Books

    Bochica, a divine being, teaches the Muiscas agriculture and saves them from a flood by parting rocks with his stick.
  • ABC Affirmations 27 pages of positive manifestations
    A children's book of affirmations and self-care, with a focus on nature and mental well-being.
  • The Word of God
    A religious book that discusses God, his teachings, and the importance of love, faith, and understanding in our lives.
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  • Pillars of Eternity: The Fragments That Built the Universe
    In a utopian civilization, young Nebula's curiosity leads her to explore beyond, igniting a conflict that reshapes the universe and reveals deep truths about identity and sac…
  • Among the Discoverd
    hi i am laila and this is my first good book so i hope you love it.
    PS. i have more among the books coming
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  • Silly Sally Squirrel Wants a Pearl
    Silly Sally Squirrel is trying to figure out how to use her imagination with the help of her mother to find a pearl. She does not live near the ocean so what should she do?
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  • God Made Life
    A poem celebrating the beauty of nature and expressing belief in a divine creator.
  • Celebrations Around the World Companion Book
    This is a companion to the Celebrations Around the World book. It contains more information for each celebration.
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