Divine Intervention Books

  • The battle of Eternity
    A village overcomes a smallpox curse with the help of a divine intervention and creates a vaccine-sword, becoming a symbol of victory and resilience.
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  • Moses and the red ________sea________
    The story recounts the Israelites' escape from slavery in Egypt, with divine intervention and the parting of the Red Sea.
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  • Noah's Ark
    Noah and his family build an ark to survive a great flood sent by God. They are the only ones who listen and are saved.
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  • 巫女國和仙子城 sorceress country and Fairy City
    A story about two countries, Fairy City and Sorceress Country, with contrasting rulers and princesses. The evil queen plans to steal from Fairy City, but divine intervention …
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  • Bagaskoro
    Bagaskoro, a powerful king, falls in love with Sentili, the daughter of his enemy. He builds a castle in an hour to win her over, but she tries to trick him. With divine inte…
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  • Jonah and the Fish
    Jonah disobeys God's command to go to Nineveh, gets swallowed by a fish, repents, and fulfills his mission.
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  • 81ck
    In a battle between the god Rise and Death's dragon, light triumphs over darkness. Rise's victory inspires generations to face their own challenges with courage and resilienc…
  • jonah and the fish
    Jonah disobeys God and runs away to Tarshish. He is thrown off a boat, swallowed by a fish, and eventually goes to Nineveh to deliver God's message.
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