Downfall Books

  • If You Give a Homeless Man Some Money
    A chain of events unfolds when a homeless man is given $100,000, leading to his downfall and return to homelessness.
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  • Dominic's Downfall
    Dominic, a hardworking student and school president, becomes addicted to video games, leading to academic decline, loss of friends, and financial ruin.
  • The Indus Valley
    A brief introduction to the Indus Valley civilization, its cities, culture, and downfall.
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  • The king Arthur
    The story of King Arthur, his rise to power, his battles against the Saxons, and his eventual downfall and mysterious disappearance.
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  • the story of Atlantis
    A story about the ancient civilization of Atlantis, its great king Huj, their love for their gods, and their downfall due to their own foolishness.
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  • Napoleon Bonaparte
    The life and military campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte, from his rise to power in France to his eventual downfall.
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  • Fisherman and The Golden Fish
    A fisherman catches a talking goldfish that grants wishes. His greedy wife's demands lead to their downfall.
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  • The Rise and Fall of
    A brief overview of the Han Dynasty, its rulers, policies, and downfall.
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