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A collection of information about Croatia, including its flag, location, national anthem, famous people, animals, cuisine, sports, and dress code.

An informational book about Apple Inc., its history, CEO, locations, dress code, holidays, and the author's personal preferences.

A brief history of dress codes in schools, including the Tinker vs. Des Moines case, and a discussion on their impact and controversy.
by Sw3426

A conversation between a software engineer and a student about the profession, requirements, salary, dress code, and importance of the job.
by ctrem42

A brief introduction to France, including greetings, social life, and some peculiarities like dress code and a recipe for Ratatouille.
by abnerreyes99

A story about a girl who faces criticism for her outfit on the first day of school, leading to the implementation of a dress code.

The story discusses the benefits of having a school dress code, including reduced discipline problems and improved focus on academics. It also lists specific clothing items t…
by Ms3973

A story about a pirate child who faces rejection and punishment for not conforming to a dress code, but eventually finds acceptance.
by vanscheika

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