My Published Books (1)

  • A collection of information about Croatia, including its flag, location, national anthem, famous people, animals, cuisine, sports, and dress code.
    by Kiranmai Pratapa
    Eye Icon 314
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My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A brief overview of the history, architecture, art, and math contributions of ancient Egypt.
    by Kiranmai Pratapa
    Eye Icon 20
  • Rohan moves to Mexico, feels lonely, finds friends from his hometown, and forms a large group. Another story is about a boy in an ancient city going to the marketplace with h…
    by Kiranmai Pratapa
    Eye Icon 15
  • by Kiranmai Pratapa
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  • by Kiranmai Pratapa
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  • Ash, a young trainer, faces gym leaders Brock and Misty with his Pokemon. He wins battles and earns badges, gaining companions for his journey.
    by Kiranmai Pratapa
    Eye Icon 1155
    Star Icon 14

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