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A classic Christmas song about receiving gifts from a true love, starting with a partridge in a pear tree and ending with twelve drummers drumming.
by Brian Lewis
Lily, a ballerina with a brain injury, learns to control her emotions through drumming and becomes a professional dancer.
by meliza227

Ginger, a sloth who loves to play the drums, goes on a journey to find someone who appreciates his music. In the end, his loud drumming saves the forest from danger.
by SeanMoore

A boy named Alex overcomes skepticism and pursues his passion for drumming, achieving success through hard work and determination.
by Ruth D'silva

Have you ever thought about what would happen if you give a dragon drums? Well,in this book you are going to find out !
by raul48

The teachers in the Eagle's Nest hate Christmas and try to stop it, but the students show them the true meaning of the holiday.

A Pokemon-themed version of the classic Christmas song 'The Twelve Days of Christmas'.
by Squirtle1927

A children's book about Jamaica, covering topics such as food, work, traditions, education, and the flag. Includes a glossary and questions for comprehension.

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