Dwarves Books

  • The pretty princesses in the castle
    Two princesses explore the woods, meet seven dwarves, and return home to tell their parents about their adventure.
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  • A Tale of an Unexpected Friendship
    An unexpected friendship changed the lives of two young dwarves and united their villages forever.
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
    Snow White, a princess, is forced to flee into the forest by her jealous stepmother. She finds shelter with seven dwarfs but falls into a deep sleep after eating a poisoned a…
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  • The Hobbit
    Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit, embarks on an unexpected adventure with a group of dwarves and the wizard Gandalf. They encounter trolls, goblins, and Gollum, and Bilbo finds a magi…
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  • Into The Woods
    We all need to remember that not everything is as it seems
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    Three friends, Thorin, Thoran, and Bilbo, build houses in a forest. A dragon named Smaug tries to destroy them but fails. They celebrate their victory.
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  • The Hobbits
    A group of dwarves, led by Thorin, and accompanied by Bilbo Baggins, embark on a journey to reclaim their homeland from the dragon Smaug.
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  • The Hobbit
    A hobbit named Bilbo Baggins goes on an adventure with a wizard and a group of dwarves to defeat a dragon and reclaim treasure.
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