who has inspired me to write, and for my sons whom
I love so very much.
This is also for the entire world... maybe one day
we can unite and be at peace.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

In a land far away, there were two mountains that sat side by side next
to one another. Laid beneath each mountain were two villages sitting
parallel to one another, each housing dwarves. Now although the
dwarves had the same customs and the same traditions, they did
everything they could to not intermix with one another.
The gray mountain was filled with silver and precious metals. The brown
mountain was filled with fine jewels and unique stones. Each mountain
possessed great wealth and likewise each village had obtained great
wealth from all their mining and work done in the mountains.
The people of the silver village worked in the gray mountain and the the
people of the brown village worked in the brown mountain. But they
never ever shared each others wealth, items, friends, or families.. until
one unexpected friendship came to be. This friendship would change
everything between the gray and brown village forever.

A boy from the silver village was playing in the forest when another
boy from the brown village crept up behind him slowly...
He jumped in front of him quickly, then yelled as loudly as he could.
Boogie Woogie Woogie Woogie!
This startled the young boy from the silver village and caused him to
fall onto his back. But when he saw that it was just another boy who
caused him such freight, he stood there and looked at him for a
moment, and then they both began to laugh. The boy from the brown
village helped him up off the ground. They began to introduce
The boy from the brown village said, "My name is Cas Harapyrite and
I am from the Brown Village where we produce the finest and rarest
gems and stones man has ever seen. "

The boy from the silver village said, "I am Ordran Nickelcheif of the
Silver Village. It is nice to meet you, but you know we are not supposed to
talk to one another."
"Yes I know, but who cares! We are both dwarves, are we not? Our people
both produce and sell the best metals and jewels and we live directly next
to one another. Why not we be friends?", said Cas.
Ordran nodded and agreed. Cas and Ordran became very good friends
instantly. Everyday they would get together and play in the forest. It was
there own world; free from segregation, prejudice, and a place where for
them, anything was possible. Fighting monsters, being heroic strong
dwarves, climbing trees, making their own fortresses and playing siege.

They even began saying hello to one another in public despite receiving
frowns and whispers. They did not let the segregation of their villages
end their friendship. They carried on as they normally did and
continued to visit one another.
After a little time had passed it became normal for the villagers from
both brown and silver village to see Cas and Ordran together. However
it still was not common to find the dwarves from the opposite village to
speak to one another. This was largely due to their pride and
arrogance. Because both villages produced a mass amount of wealth,
each believed that one was better than the other.
Cas and Ordran met on the outside of the village one afternoon.
Ordran wanted to exchange his weapon with Cas. Ordran has a strong
sword that could cut through any type of wood like butter and could
even pierce through stone.

Cas possessed a hammer that was carved out of a precious stone, this
precious stone is almost as strong as metal. Cas had his hammer
enchanted with a fire crystal, giving the hammer extra strength to crush
anything that came in its path. Each weapon was crafted to perfection.
Cas handed his hammer to Ordran and Ordran handed his sword to Cas.
Cas ran towards the forest pointing the sword straight out as if he was
attacking a great enemy. Cas struck a tree and found that it cut straight
"Wow!" Cried Cas. "This sword is amazing Ordran!"
Ordran ran beside him, back to back they were. They imagined being
surrounded by trolls and orcs. Swinging their weapons in the air, moving
farther and farther away from the village and deeper into the forest.

Ordran threw the hammer towards a big rock. The hammer crushed the
rock; fragments of the rock had even melted.
"That's so cool!", exclaimed Ordran. "Such amazing crystals your village
have. This would be so cool on my sword."
"I can get you a water and fire crystal so that you can try it on one of
your other swords. Just tell me which elemental you like better.", said
"Thanks brother! Now lets see who can throw our weapon the farthest!",
said Ordran with excitement.
Ordran threw first. The hammer went far and crushed right through the
middle of a tree, making a large opening in the center.
"Woohooo! Did you see that?!", yelled Ordran.

Cas ran after the hammer and peeped his head through the hole and said,
"Yep, sure did!"
They both began laughing.
Cas said, "Do you want to see some real skills?" Ordran nodded his head
chuckling and replied, "Skills? Brother, I will show you skills!"
Cas then said, "You see those large rocks all the way over there?". Pointing
towards the massive gray rocks to their left. "I'm going to throw this
sword and watch it pierce that big rock in the middle." Continue Cas.
Ordran shook his head and said, "Yeah, yeah, we'll see. Come on brother,
throw it!" Ordran smiling with his arms crossed waiting impatiently.
Cas held the sword tight in his right hand, he took a deep breath,

drawing his arm back as far as he could, he threw the sword with all his
strength. The sword indeed pierced the rock with precision.
Cas jumped up and down with immense joy. Ordran and Cas both ran
towards the sword, when they felt a slight shake of the earth beneath
their feet. Strange, they thought, but continued on racing towards the
sword that had pierced the stone.
Cas went to pull the sword out of the stone, but he could not. It was
stuck. Ordran then pulled, but he too found that it would not budge. They
both decided to pull at the same time. With their feet pushing up against
the rock and their hands gripping tightly around the sword.
Eeeeeehhhh!!! Ahhhh! Uuuuugggghhh! It came out!
They fell to the ground with a thud. They began laughing when all of a
sudden the big rock began to move slightly. A loud groaning sound

came from the other side of the large rocks.
Eeerrrrr rrraaahhhhh oooooooowwwwww! Thaaaaattt huuuuurrrrt!
Cas and Ordran got up off the ground stumbling to their feet.
Scared of what had just spoken. When they both tried to run the
earth began to shake more intensely. The large rocks began to move,
the earth beneath their feet felt as if they were to fall therein.
Surrounding trees shook and a few even fell over.
Cas and Ordran were frightened to say the least. All this movement
and commotion was caused by something they had never seen before
with their own eyes. Up sat a massive giant, he looked upon them with
gentle eyes. "My toe hurts." said the giant in a slow, deep, yet mellow
voice. "Ohhhhhhh, I'm so HUNNNNGGGRRRRYYYY!" Shaking his
belly with his large hands.

Cas and Ordran were afraid that he wanted to eat them.
Cas asked, "What is it that you eat?".
"Rocks!" Said the Giant.
"Rocks is it you say? We have plenty of rocks where we come from.
What is your name oh friendly giant?" Asked Cas.
"I am Gawen Isvog of Gratgan." said he. Curious about these two little
dwarves below him, Gawen asked, "And you two are?".
"My name is Cas Harapyrite and I am from the Brown Village where we
produce the finest and rarest gems and stones man has ever seen. "
Cas said proudly.

"I am Ordran Nickelcheif of the Silver Village." Humbly replied
Cas asked Gawen how long he had been in this forest, as his people
have lived under the two mountains for many years and never saw
any stone giants before.
Gawen explained that Stone Giants are usually very solitude and
that they sleep for many years at a time. Gawen had been sleeping
for nearly 400 years.
Cas and Ordran were really impressed to know that they could sleep
such a long time and was very happy that he was friendly.
Gawen was happy to meet both Cas and Ordran, but his belly began
to grumble and grumble. He was very, very hungry.
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who has inspired me to write, and for my sons whom
I love so very much.
This is also for the entire world... maybe one day
we can unite and be at peace.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

In a land far away, there were two mountains that sat side by side next
to one another. Laid beneath each mountain were two villages sitting
parallel to one another, each housing dwarves. Now although the
dwarves had the same customs and the same traditions, they did
everything they could to not intermix with one another.
The gray mountain was filled with silver and precious metals. The brown
mountain was filled with fine jewels and unique stones. Each mountain
possessed great wealth and likewise each village had obtained great
wealth from all their mining and work done in the mountains.
The people of the silver village worked in the gray mountain and the the
people of the brown village worked in the brown mountain. But they
never ever shared each others wealth, items, friends, or families.. until
one unexpected friendship came to be. This friendship would change
everything between the gray and brown village forever.

A boy from the silver village was playing in the forest when another
boy from the brown village crept up behind him slowly...
He jumped in front of him quickly, then yelled as loudly as he could.
Boogie Woogie Woogie Woogie!
This startled the young boy from the silver village and caused him to
fall onto his back. But when he saw that it was just another boy who
caused him such freight, he stood there and looked at him for a
moment, and then they both began to laugh. The boy from the brown
village helped him up off the ground. They began to introduce
The boy from the brown village said, "My name is Cas Harapyrite and
I am from the Brown Village where we produce the finest and rarest
gems and stones man has ever seen. "
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