Unity Books

  • Mama Said One Day I Will Be a King!
    This fictional story is inspired by a mother's vision for her son that one day he will become the leader of Ethiopia.
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  • Proud Patriotic Pups
    A rhyming story about the importance of the American flag and unity in the family, with a message of freedom and respect.
  • A Colorful World
    Reaching out to new friends, even when it seems weird to others.
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    While out on a routine mission, fighter pilot Pip Popp finds's jet runs into mechanical difficulties. But rather than crashing to the ground below, Pip is transported to a st…
    Eye Icon 1988
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  • Lift Your Head Sunflower
    Being different is no excuse to not live in peace and harmony. We all have something wonderful deep down inside us to share with this world. Respecting our uniqueness and i…
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  • Gifts for a Healing World: Poetry Celebrating Unity, Peace, and Kindness
    This book of poetry contains the thoughts and inspirations of 5th graders who want to make the world a better place.
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  • Unity in Malaysia
    Three children from different ethnic backgrounds in Malaysia share their cultural celebrations and emphasize the importance of unity and respect.
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  • The Christmas Gem
    On Christmas Eve, Lillie embarks on a magical adventure to save the town of Unity from a curse. Guided by her grandmother's story and a mysterious gem, she navigates through …
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