E-book Books

  • Puberty e-book
    A puberty guide for children, covering physical, emotional, and social changes. Includes advice and positive aspects of puberty.
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  • My Hedgehog e-book
    The story revolves around two hedgehogs, Ruby and Moose, who live in Sunnyside Hill. One night, they encounter large shadows which turn out to be owls. Initially scared, the …
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  • E-book
    A collection of recipes for a variety of dishes, including chocolate cookies, pasta with chicken, yogurt and raspberry ice cream, sandwiches, spaghetti with chicken, strawber…
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  • Anadolu'da Efsaneler ve Türküleri
    eTwinning "Anadolu'da Efsaneler ve Türküleri" Projesi eBook kitabıdır.
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    A project report about an e-book activity where students draw and name objects in their school bags, improving their language skills.
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  • Challenging task
    An 8th-grade assignment to create an e-book about a modern icon using the STORYJUMPER web tool.
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  • Ebook
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