E-safety Books

  • My First Book
    A collection of e-safety rules from various schools, providing tips on how to stay safe online and protect personal information.
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  • eSafety
    Liya learns about internet safety and how to protect her tablet.
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  • Comics about eSafety
    Every eTwinning project and work on the Internet requires defined tips related to eSafety. As part of this activity, based on the collected data, the students made a list of …
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  • e-safety dictionary
    A collection of internet safety tips for children, including advice on privacy, cyberbullying, and online behavior.
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    A collection of e-safety rules from various schools, emphasizing the importance of privacy, security, and responsible online behavior.
  • e-safety
    A list of tips for online safety, including protecting personal data, updating software, and being cautious with video calls and passwords.
  • Role of Technology in Globalization
    This book provides a definition and history of the internet, discusses social media and e-safety, explores globalization and its effects, addresses the digital divide, and su…
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  • ICT
    A brief history of the internet, social media, e-safety, and Bovespa stock exchange, with some spelling and grammar errors.
    by Kaza
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