My Public / Unpublished Books (17)

  • by Ana Lúcia Mouta
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  • A presentation of logos and posters for a project, expressing gratitude for the work.
    by Ana Lúcia Mouta
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  • by Ana Lúcia Mouta
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  • by Ana Lúcia Mouta
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  • Once upon a time, there was an island called 'SUSLAND' with lush forests. But now people have built houses and factories instead of forests. The island is affected by industr…
    by Ana Lúcia Mouta
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    by Ana Lúcia Mouta
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    by Ana Lúcia Mouta
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  • Birds in a park discuss the effects of climate change on their habitats and decide to raise awareness among humans. They write cautionary notes and distribute them, hoping to…
    by Ana Lúcia Mouta
    Eye Icon 418
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  • by Ana Lúcia Mouta
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  • A list of tips for online safety, including protecting personal data, updating software, and being cautious with video calls and passwords.
    by Ana Lúcia Mouta
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  • A guide on how to make compost, including the necessary steps and materials needed.
    by Ana Lúcia Mouta
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  • by Ana Lúcia Mouta
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, students from different countries participate in a project called 'Stay Home! Learn From Home!' and share what they learn at home through poster…
    by Ana Lúcia Mouta
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  • by Ana Lúcia Mouta
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  • A guide to the different types of trees and plants in a school, including their origins and scientific names.
    by Ana Lúcia Mouta
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  • A series of posters introduce themselves, leading up to the announcement of a winning poster.
    by Ana Lúcia Mouta
    Eye Icon 21
  • by Ana Lúcia Mouta
    Eye Icon 16

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