Economic Development Books

  • Dream Big Bessie!
    This book tells the inspiring story of Bessie Coleman, the first licensed African American female aviator in the United States, and her journey to achieve her dream of becomi…
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  • Redwood City History
    A historical account of Redwood City, from the Ohlone Indians to its present-day bustling downtown.
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  • Role of Geography in Economic Development
    The book provides a comprehensive overview of global economic systems, their spatial distribution, and the factors influencing them. It also discusses the consequences of glo…
  • SDGs and Me
    Gary loses his job and home due to rising rent costs in America. He is unable to afford a home and food.
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    This book discusses consumer rights and the consumer movement in India. It covers topics such as exploitation in the marketplace, the role of government in protecting consume…
    A brief overview of sustainability, economic development, social development, and environmental protection.
  • Role of Geography in Economic Development
    This book provides an overview of the spatial distribution of major economic development, including different types of economies, economic activities, and influential factors.
  • Industrialization/ Economic Development Unit
    The story provides a basic explanation of industrialization, Fordism, air pollution, global warming, economic development, supranational organizations, MDC vs. LDC, and diffe…
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