Economic Opportunities Books

  • Abasi’s Story: After Clean Water
    Abasi's family's life improves after getting clean water from a well, leading to better health, education, and economic opportunities for the whole village.
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  • Dream Big Bessie!
    This book tells the inspiring story of Bessie Coleman, the first licensed African American female aviator in the United States, and her journey to achieve her dream of becomi…
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    The story of the California Gold Rush, its impact on the development of boomtowns and the state of California, and its influence on Manifest Destiny.
    by FGC
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  • Gold Rush
    The story discusses the California Gold Rush, its impact on manifest destiny, boom towns, economic opportunities, risks, and the transformation of California.
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  • Kid Friendly Economics
    Brad the genie takes Lochy, the Lochness monster, on a magical journey through economics, teaching him about concepts like scarcity, opportunity cost, trade, and entrepreneur…
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    An Interesting and informative book, everyone should read to gain knowledge about urban settlement
  • Westward Expansion Groups
    A brief overview of various groups of people who moved west in the United States and their impact on the country.
  • WW2 Home Front V-Campaign
    The V-Campaign during World War II aimed to eliminate racism in the United States and encouraged African Americans to join the war effort.
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