Economic Questions Books

  • How to Make Lemonade
    A boy named Timothy runs a lemonade stand and learns about economics. He faces challenges like scarcity and trade-offs.
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  • Dream Big Bessie!
    This book tells the inspiring story of Bessie Coleman, the first licensed African American female aviator in the United States, and her journey to achieve her dream of becomi…
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  • Economics
    An introduction to basic economic concepts such as scarcity, factors of production, trade-offs, economic questions, company goals, freedom of choice, and externalities.
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  • Introduction To Economics
    An introduction to basic economic concepts such as scarcity, factors of production, trade-offs, economic questions, goals, freedom of choice, and externalities.
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  • Introduction to Economics
    An introduction to basic economic concepts such as scarcity, resources, trade-offs, economic questions, goals, and principles.
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  • Economy Vocabulary
    A brief lesson on economics vocabulary, including scarcity, trade-off, factors of production, economic questions, economic goals, freedom of choice, and externality.
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  • The ABCs of Economics
    An introduction to economics, covering topics such as scarcity, factors of production, economic questions, and economic goals.
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  • SDGs and Me
    Gary loses his job and home due to rising rent costs in America. He is unable to afford a home and food.
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