Edmonton Books

  • Edmonton
    An informative book about the city of Edmonton, Alberta, including its population, attractions, and fun facts.
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  • The Great One
    This book is all about the life of Wayne Gretzky and how he became an amazing hockey player!
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  • About All Hockey
    This is a book all about hockey and hockey's top players/goalies
  • Provinces and Capitals
    A brief introduction to the provinces and territories of Canada, highlighting their notable features.
    The story provides brief biographies of various YouTubers, primarily those who post Minecraft gameplay videos. It includes their online aliases, real names, birthdates, and n…
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  • The quest to the Stanley Cup ONLINE
    Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the Stanley Cup playoffs are held online on NHL 20. The Edmonton Oilers and Vegas Golden Knights face off in a thrilling game that ends with a w…
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  • The Stories That Made My Story
    The author reflects on the impact of three childhood stories: Winnie the Pooh, My Neighbour Totoro, and Coco, and how they taught important life lessons about imagination, co…
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  • 's of Strong from the Start
    An alphabet book that introduces various concepts and values related to personal growth, relationships, and community support.
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