Egyptian Gods Books

    A group of students research and write about Egyptian gods, mythology, and the afterlife, presenting their findings in different writing styles.
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  • Social studies book
    An introduction to various Egyptian gods and their characteristics.
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  • Ancient Mesopotamia V.S. Ancient Egypt
    The story provides a detailed comparison of the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia, covering aspects such as natural resources, architecture, religion, writing sy…
  • Osiris, Isis and Horus
    The story of the Egyptian gods and goddesses, focusing on the struggles of Nut, Osiris, Isis, Set, and Horus.
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  • Ancient Egypt
    An informative book about ancient Egypt, covering topics such as pharaohs, mummification, social structure, pyramids, gods, and diet.
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    This is a tale about a Goddess named "Osiris" in real life Osiris was an egyptian God betrayed by his brother Seth so I took that as inspiration to make a small tale dedicate…
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  • Ancient Egypt By: Maddy Vo
    An introduction to Ancient Egypt, covering topics such as pharaohs, government, religion, class system, education, and farming.
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  • Celebrations Around the World Companion Book
    This is a companion to the Celebrations Around the World book. It contains more information for each celebration.
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