Eiffel Tower Books

  • Barney the Fire Truck
    This story is based on a real fire truck from Baltimore that wound up halfway around the world. I hope it reassures children that change can be good.
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  • The Minecraft Book
    A child describes various places they visit, including a baseball field, city, beach party, house, school, football field, Eiffel Tower, and space.
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  • The Long Way to France
    Maria's journey to see the Eiffel Tower takes unexpected detours to Peru, Australia, and China.
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  • Paris
    The story follows an eleven-year-old girl named Sarah Jane Lee who embarks on a trip to Paris with her mother. The narrative is filled with humor, sibling dynamics, and the e…
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  • Maxine the Monkey
    Maxine the Monkey and Polly the Panda are best friends who live in the rainforest. They go on an adventure to the Eiffel Tower.
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  • Grey Castle Under The Sun
    A collection of poems and personal reflections by Gabriel Gorelik, covering various topics such as words, nature, identity, and happiness.
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  • Abby's Adventure Around The World
    Abby wants to go on a adventure to Mount Fuji and many more.
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  • The story of the Eiffel tower
    The story of the construction of the Eiffel Tower for the 1889 World Exhibition in Paris.
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