To: Ava Katz, Dylan, Gabi, Mom, and Dad; the best and most inspiring people. I am making this for Arletta, Evy and Lani. Hopefully, they will someday, go to Paris!

Hello! My name is Sarah Jane Lee [ not Sara but Sarah] I'm a normal eleven-year-old. I hate pears and I love doors. You may think it's weird but it's not! I live with a mom, dad, little sister, older brother, another older brother (they're twins) and a baby sister. The older brothers are only two years older than me, the little sister is four years younger and the baby is nine years younger. Oldest to youngest, their names are, Jake, John, Annabelle, and Kattie. I also have the cutest little Pomeranian, Cookie Von Gum-Gum, Cookie for short. My brothers are sooo annoying! They always need my stuff, pencils, pens, German made paper, and my books. I have a small library, it's small but building up. My brothers often taunt me saying, "you don't have a life all you do is read." My little sister is the best! One because she's a girl, two she isn't annoying, and three she is so cute! Kattie is a cute little thing I'm not sure what animal she is but she sure is cute.
Chapter 1
"WHAT!? When!?" I asked my mom frantically "Two weeks" she said proudly. " I-I have to pack I mean it's Paris for goodness sake!! They have impeccable taste in clothing. "I said as I ran up the stairs. "Ok but hurry up it's almost bed time," Mom said. "Ok, jeans, t- shirts umm... headbands, necklaces, bracelets, dresses, my diary, ohhh shoes!!
"Ok honey bedtime!" "Ok." I said as I put on my flower pajamas "you too Jake and John." "Aww but mom we're almost at level 10!" Jake cried. "Nope, no buts." "Bark! Bark!" "Yes Cookie, I will feed you," I said as I grabbed the dog food, opened the can and let out the slimy, so called 'good' food. "Eww, now eat it quick or I'm going to throw up!" Annabelle said as she pretended to throw up in the trash bin. "Annabelle! you're supposed to be in bed!" Mom said fiercely. "But Mom I - I just umm want to kiss Sarah goodnight." "Ok, but make it quick." Mom sighed.
Annabelle quickly pecked me on the cheek and ran upstairs. "Good night Mom," I said as I gave her a kiss and went upstairs. "Grrrr, Gr, grrrrr!" As I went into my room I saw Cookie "playing" with my favorite, best, best, best friend, Herald the elephant. "Hey! cookie Von Gum-Gum! Gi-give back Herald!" I said as I grabbed the elephant. "Thank you, humph." I grabbed my covers, slipped into bed and soon was asleep.
Chapter 2
"Hey! Sleepy head, wake up! Time to go!" Mom said as she shook me. "It's been two weeks already?" "Why yes, now have you packed everything?" "Ya, I think I have everything." "Well, we have to go to Los Angels International Airport," Mom said as she grabbed my clothes, black leggings, with a pink baseball shirt that says,

"I shall call him squishy and he will be mine and he will be my squishy." It is a quote from Finding Nemo if you didn't know. "So Mom did you get all of Kattie's stuff?" I asked her as I went into the bathroom. "No, it's just you and me!" Mom said as she gave me my clothing." No brothers, This is the best day of my life!! "you mean week of your life." "Ya!" I quickly got on my clothes, put on my flats, grabbed my suitcase, and went out the door. I got in the front seat of my Mom's NEW light blue, 2016 Ford Escape!
Chapter 3
"Mom, are we there yet?" I said annoyed. "About 30 minutes away." my Mom signed." "Mom, "Yes." "What's your real name?" "My real name, why do you want to know?" "Well, umm, oh, I don't know." "Well, Ill tell you,"
"just as she was about to say it, seven motorcycles zoomed by us and I couldn't hear her!" " Tick tock tick tock tick tock." went my Mom's blinker. We were at the airport! Yay! "OK, grab your stuff." Mom said as she parked her car. So, I leaned back to the back seat, tried to pull out my suitcase but I didn't have enough power so, I had to unbuckle my seatbelt, open the door, grab the suitcase and roll it out of the way. "Cookie!!" I yelled as Cookie jumped into my arms. "You, sneaky dog." "Ummm why is Cookie here?" Mom said frantically. "I-I don't know, ohhhh I forgot to close the front door!!" " Well it's good we always have an extra leash in the car." So, I grabbed the leash and put it on Cookie. "At least we don't have to pay for her." Mom said with a little sigh of relief in her voice. Mom looked at her watch. "oh, my we better get going or we might miss the plane!" "Good gracious, we better get on it then." So, we walked to the airport, got in line, the man had to look at how old Mom was.
Bob, ha that's a funny name I said to myself. "Born in 1981, that was a good year, I was ten!" Bob said. "So, you're.........thirty-five! WOW cool!" I said as we were walking down the hall to the boarding area. "So, what is your real name?" I asked again. "Ok, my real name is," just when she was about to say it a big shuttle came by and he had to honk his big, loud horn at us. "Flight 42 please come to the boarding gate." The lady on the intercom said. "Ohh! That is us! Run!" Mom yelped. So, I started running. " Hi does your dog have all his vaccinations." The guy named Jeff asked. "oh, I have it on my phone." Mom took out her iPhone and gave it to Jeff. "Ok, you're good to go." As we started to board the plane I saw on our tickets, First Class!! "Mom Mom are we really in First Class?!" "Since it was just the two of us I thought we could splurge a little bit!"
Chapter 4
The plane ride was amazing! I got Wieber Reis. (white rice in German) I really like German things. I mean I have paper made in Germany I also have a very special pencil made in Germany. I really like Germany. I think my Mom is spoiling me. My brothers and I haven't got a lot of attention because of Annabelle and Kattie. I bet she will do something special with Jake and John once we get back. " We're almost there!" said my mom when she looked at the sky.
"Paris, France. Here at last." I said as I took in my first breath of Paris air. " Did you know that Paris is called the city of lights also there are almost 6,100 streets in the city!" "Wow, cool girly. Anything else in that brain of yours?" "Well.............." I went on and on when I noticed that we were right next to the Eiffel Tower!!!! "Look Cookie that's the Eiffel Tower!" "Bark! Bark!" I think she liked it. " Well, we better get to our hotel." "Ohh look its Cafe De Flore! Can we go there please!"
Chapter 5
"Wow! This is amazing Tarte Tatin." " Ya and this Croque Monsieur is so good!" Mom said as she took her last bite. "Did you enjoy?" Our waiter asked in French. I had to look it up in my French to English dictionary. " Oui nous avons apprecie." I said which means yes, we enjoyed. “Oui beaucoup." which means yes a lot. My Mom said " Orevuar." the waitress said. "Orevuar." "Orevuar." We said as we walked out of the door. "That was nice." " Bark! Bark!" Cookie said, " Oh we have to feed you too!" I said. " ohh a petttt stttttttore?" "I think?" We went in anyways and sure enough, it was a pet store it was called La Niche. Oh, here's the dog food I think, let's see salmon, nah chicken, no oh turkey! "Mom there's turkey she LOVES turkey."
Chapter 6
"Hi yes, we have a reservation for Lee." "Yes, sit here please." The lady in the lobby told us. " I heard this place has five stars." "Ya it looks really cool," I said as I looked around. Cream walls, with a beautiful white border that has little Eiffel Towers on it. The ceiling, oh the ceiling, it has little cherubs and a blue sky. It also has the biggest chandelier I've ever seen. The couches are a brown leather, and the tables are made of oak. I saw the most luscious bowl of crisp apples, ripe bananas, and of course the sweet but sour oranges. "Here is your card and your room is on the fifth floor." "Thank you." We went to the elevator, and pushed the up button, and waited. Some elevator music came on the of course it got stuck in my head! " Ah, we're here fifth floor." My mom whispered in my ear as she gave me a kiss. " cool look at the view! Mom isn't it beautiful?" I asked my Mom as I ran to the window of where the elevator is. Amazing, the Eiffel Tower, and the pink trees with all the
people bustling by, all the colorful cars." Well, our room is this way," my mom pointed to the wall that said, 500-533.
"We are in room 510." "510 that even so, we're going to wake up to the Eiffel Tower every morning!" "Here's our room you can open the door."

Chapter 7
Once I opened the door, it was amazing, it had mint green walls (one of my favorite colors!) and a light blue ceiling. Two beds, both white of course. " Mom! I love it here!" I yelled, "oh that's so good!" I jumped on the bed, then got off ran to it, jumped then spun on my back in the air and landed on my back. “Did I tell you we got a mini suite so it's not a presidential suite." My mom said. "Ya, I don't mind you've done so much for me so far, OH! Darn! I forgot my purse and all my money in it!" I announced. Oh, good thing I got it for you!" "Thank you, thank you thank you!" I lawled (that means laugh out loud.) " wait, where is Cookie?!!?" I chirped "ummmm I don't know, let's go check the lobby” Mom said. So, we went downstairs and sure enough, she was there under a chair.
"Come out Cookie,” I whispered. She crawled out shaking. "Come on we can go upstairs to our room and you can sleep" Mom hummed. So, we went upstairs.

Chapter 8
"Mom?" "ya" "when are we going out?" "well, we could go now but I don't want Cookie to stay at the hotel so once Cookie is awake we can go out,” said Mom
" Okay, Mom." so, I waited and when I wait I usually read a book but this time I'm going to go and my phone like normal people. So, I went on my phone and texted my best friend Mr. Harrell. Hello, I texted. he texted back, hi how is Paris? I texted back very good my hotel is right next to the Eiffel Tower how is Los Angeles? I texted, did you know that Paris Is the most visited country in the world! In In 2012 there were eight million tourists!! He texted back wow I did not know that!!Bose Bonjour bon bonjour bonjour?! He texted. Bonjour enseignant. What? It means hello teacher in French.
" Come on Sarah!" I, I was ecstatic, my, my voice got squeaky? It was weird. " ok I squeaked."
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To: Ava Katz, Dylan, Gabi, Mom, and Dad; the best and most inspiring people. I am making this for Arletta, Evy and Lani. Hopefully, they will someday, go to Paris!

Hello! My name is Sarah Jane Lee [ not Sara but Sarah] I'm a normal eleven-year-old. I hate pears and I love doors. You may think it's weird but it's not! I live with a mom, dad, little sister, older brother, another older brother (they're twins) and a baby sister. The older brothers are only two years older than me, the little sister is four years younger and the baby is nine years younger. Oldest to youngest, their names are, Jake, John, Annabelle, and Kattie. I also have the cutest little Pomeranian, Cookie Von Gum-Gum, Cookie for short. My brothers are sooo annoying! They always need my stuff, pencils, pens, German made paper, and my books. I have a small library, it's small but building up. My brothers often taunt me saying, "you don't have a life all you do is read." My little sister is the best! One because she's a girl, two she isn't annoying, and three she is so cute! Kattie is a cute little thing I'm not sure what animal she is but she sure is cute.
Chapter 1
"WHAT!? When!?" I asked my mom frantically "Two weeks" she said proudly. " I-I have to pack I mean it's Paris for goodness sake!! They have impeccable taste in clothing. "I said as I ran up the stairs. "Ok but hurry up it's almost bed time," Mom said. "Ok, jeans, t- shirts umm... headbands, necklaces, bracelets, dresses, my diary, ohhh shoes!!
"Ok honey bedtime!" "Ok." I said as I put on my flower pajamas "you too Jake and John." "Aww but mom we're almost at level 10!" Jake cried. "Nope, no buts." "Bark! Bark!" "Yes Cookie, I will feed you," I said as I grabbed the dog food, opened the can and let out the slimy, so called 'good' food. "Eww, now eat it quick or I'm going to throw up!" Annabelle said as she pretended to throw up in the trash bin. "Annabelle! you're supposed to be in bed!" Mom said fiercely. "But Mom I - I just umm want to kiss Sarah goodnight." "Ok, but make it quick." Mom sighed.
- END >
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