Paris Books

  • Barney the Fire Truck
    This story is based on a real fire truck from Baltimore that wound up halfway around the world. I hope it reassures children that change can be good.
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  • Paris
    The story follows an eleven-year-old girl named Sarah Jane Lee who embarks on a trip to Paris with her mother. The narrative is filled with humor, sibling dynamics, and the e…
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  • The Time Warp : A Journey to Paris
    Volume II of the Time Warp series originally published summer 2016. Bill and Carl travel back in time to Paris 1944 to stop Time Traveling Terrorist.
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  • Puppies In Paris
    Four puppies in Paris, Pal, Addy, Hera, and Ali, go on an adventure involving a birthday gift, a stuffed horse named Troy, and a lesson about honesty and friendship.
    Barbie, a girl in the film industry, gets fired and goes to her aunt's fashion house in Paris. With the help of fairies, they save the fashion house from a rival designer.
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  • Cat goes to Paris
    Hello everyone! This book is about Cat going to Paris for her fashion competition! I hope y'all enjoy it!!! :D
  • A Night in Paris
    Paris is a beautiful place... especially when you are going there for a wedding. But Kit Travel discovers that Paris is deeper and more mysterious than she ever thought!
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