Eli Manning Books

    The story follows the New York Giants' journey to win Super Bowl 46, including their victories over the Green Bay Packers, San Francisco 49ers, and New England Patriots.
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  • Football
    This book explains the game of football, covering topics such as touchdowns, extra points, field goals, safeties, and 2-point conversions.
  • ABC's of Famous Athletes
    An alphabet book featuring famous athletes from various sports, providing brief information about their achievements and teams.
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  • The One-Handed Catch
    The story follows the journey of Odell Beckham Jr., a talented football player, from his college days to his success in the NFL.
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  • The Giants!
    The story is about the New York Giants football team and their journey to becoming Superbowl champions.
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  • Tom Brady
    The story follows the life and career of Tom Brady, from his childhood to becoming one of the greatest NFL quarterbacks. It emphasizes his perseverance and success despite ch…
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