End Of The World Books

  • Grandpa, What Did You Do When You Were Little Without A Phone?
    When he was little and before there were mobile phones, grandpa found many ways to live an interesting life.
    Eye Icon 64793
    Star Icon 3921
  • Pokémon Adventures
    This is a thrilling adventure story about Dylan and Mason, two young boys who embark on a Pokemon journey. They encounter various challenges, including battles with Team Skul…
    Eye Icon 1068
    Star Icon 53
  • Puggy visits the Moon
    Chocolate-loving "Puggy" gets into mischief following his owner Neil Armstrong to work, and sneaking into the rocket that takes him all the way to the moon!
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    Star Icon 4870
    Uncle Rick is taking his nephew Ash home after a fun weekend. On the way home they notice that nobody is around. Well almost nobody. Apparently the city has been overrun by z…
    Eye Icon 4054
    Star Icon 318
  • Please! Raise My Bar
    A fun message to adults told from a child's perspective.
    Eye Icon 37719
    Star Icon 1382
  • The Adventure to Superhero Land
    On Thanksgiving, Charlie and the narrator fall into a portal and end up in Superhero World. They have adventures, stay at a hi-tech hotel, and return home.
    Eye Icon 298
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  • Charlie, The Cicada
    Dorothy and her husband lived aboard their boat in the Mediterranean Sea. Although living “The Dream,” they missed their granddaughter, Emma. After hearing the constant hiss …
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  • The Sisters of Muffin Manor
    Mysteries and adventures are guaranteed when you have sisters, muffins, and a big spooky house. Book #1 in the series.
    Eye Icon 47842
    Star Icon 1956
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