Energy Pyramids Books

  • The Energy Pyramid
    Eva Energy takes readers on a journey through the Energy Pyramid, explaining how energy is transferred from the sun to producers, consumers, and quaternary consumers. She als…
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  • The Rainforest
    A comprehensive guide to the rainforest ecosystem, including its components, food chains, threats, and ways to help. Includes a glossary and works cited.
  • Survival Science: An Interactive Book about Ecosystems and Animal Adaptations
    This book is about survival science. It explains topics like ecosystems, the food pyramid, photosynthesis, symbiosis, the cascade effect, animal adaptation, and more. It also…
  • Predator and Prey
    Charles, a resident of sub-Saharan Africa, takes readers on a journey through the food chain and energy pyramid, explaining the importance of energy and the roles of producer…
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  • ABC's of Ecosystems
    An informative book that introduces children to key concepts in ecology, such as abiotic and biotic factors, food webs, and ecosystems.
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  • Pyramid of Energy
    A lonely sun makes friends with the grass, but a series of events leads to the cycle of life and growth starting over again.
  • Streams and Rivers
    This book provides an overview of biomes, ecosystems, rivers and streams, abiotic and biotic factors, limiting factors, producers, consumers, food webs, predators and prey, e…
  • Ecological succession
    This book explains the process of ecological succession, from bare rock to a mature forest ecosystem, highlighting the role of pioneer organisms and the stages of primary and…
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