Envy Books

  • The Lame Dog Kurt
    A dog named Kurt is unhappy with his life and envies other animals, but after hearing their problems, he learns to appreciate what he has.
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  • Envy
    A mainly 3rd person story about two sisters, one loved and one hated. Alice has to deal with her mom hating Alice and envy’s her sister. Read the book to see what happens nex…
  • The brave king of Soave Castle

    "The Brave King of Soave Castle" is a creative storytelling project designed for fourth-grade primary students. Inspired by a class visit to the historic Soave Cas…
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    An ugly witch tries to eliminate happiness in the city but learns a valuable lesson about envy and happiness.
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    In the year 2070, a new era driven by technology and envy begins. The story follows Vinh and his company's quest for eternal energy and their journey to a new planet.
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  • Paaron's Neighborhood
    Paaron goes for a walk and envies his neighbors' pets. He encounters different types of pet owners in his neighborhood.
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  • Envy
    The Moon goddess becomes jealous of the Sun goddess and blocks her from Earth, causing darkness. She realizes her mistake and restores light.
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