Ephesus Books

  • Se7ven
    The story of the Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World, its destruction and reconstruction.
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  • A Day in the Ancient City of Ephesus
    In ancient Ephesus, Athena the owl observes the bustling city, interacts with its people, and enjoys a play, reflecting on the stories and wisdom of her surroundings before d…
    by izag
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  • Wonders of the Ancient world
    This story provides brief descriptions of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Lighthouse of Alexandria, Great Pyramid of Giza, and Temple of Artemis at Ephesus.
    La Alhambra and Ephesus are UNESCO sites, showcasing rich history and architecture, attracting millions of tourists for their cultural significance.
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    A collection of descriptions of various historical and natural sites in Turkey, including Cappadocia, Ephesus, and Topkapi Palace.
  • selections from turkey ı am looking for my iob melikşah secondary school Ayşe Güzin Samancıoğlu
    A brief description of various historical sites in Turkey, including Ephesus Ancient City, Sumela Monastery, Ishak Pasha Palace, Bosphorus Bridge, Ayasofia Mosque, and Manavg…
  • 7 Wonders of the Ancient World
    This book provides detailed information about the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, including their history, construction, and eventual destruction.
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  • Ancient Cities
    Babylon was a city in Iraq known for its buildings, structures, and Hammurabi's code. It existed from 1770BC to 1670BC. After the conquest by Persian kings, most of the impre…
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