Eradicated Books

  • This is a vocabulary lesson about words related to life expectancy and aging.
  • Ending Poverty : A Dream or Reality ?
    This book explores the concept of poverty, its types, causes, and government measures to combat it, questioning if a poverty-free world is achievable through engaging insight…
  • A New Power Emerges: Europeans in South Asia
    A historical account of the British-India War of Independence in 1857, highlighting the atrocities committed by the British and the Indian revolt.
  • Beyond the classrooms!
    A brief overview of various topics including a museum, quack medicine, vaccines, relationships, and body systems.
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    Alien visitors learn about Earth and human conflicts, meet children who teach them about peace, and together they work to build a better world.
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  • My favorite movie
    After the Tournament of Power, Goku and Vegeta meet a Saiyan named Broly. They discover that he is the legendary super saiyan and a great battle ensues.
  • The Fairy and The Witch
    A fairy and her friends outsmart a witch, rescue captives, and turn the witch into a good person.
  • The last golden dragon.
    In a kingdom ruled by dragon hunters, a young prince witnesses a burning bird and the kingdom's downfall. The king realizes his past mistakes as a golden dragon appears.
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